Libre money

Libre money is a money where all users are co-creators, equally. Money is created as a constant Universal Dividend (UD). It can be daily, weekly or monthly, but it have to respect a growth of 10% per year of the monetary mass.

But to set prices in units in this always growing money is not practical, we prefer to count in UD. We call it “to count in relative”. In ralative the average monetary mass per person remain constant, the money is then a constant flux without any shortage.

The use of a libre money is made with the rolling of the colored banknotes defined earlier in the rules.

At the first turn it is suggested to start directly the game by distributing the three colors to each player (2 banknotes of each color) in order to enter the game in a already monetized economy.

At each new turn the organizer shift the markers on the help sheet. The pending color becomes the highest color.

Il distribue alors 2 billets de la valeur supérieure (qui est la couleur qui était en attente) à chaque joueur qui lui doit rendre 1 unité (en billets bas, pour éliminer ainsi les billets de cette couleur, l’animateur fait donc les échanges nécessaires pour cela, rendre 2 couleurs sortantes pour une couleur basse). On récupère de cette façon tous les billets de la valeur la plus faible qui devient à son tour la valeur en attente jusqu’au tour suivant.


We give back 1 unit to get 2 banknotes of the pending color which worth 8 times this unit, it is equivalent to inject 7 new units in the economy. As there is already 7 units in play, we double the monetary mass at each turn. As we shift colors to the left, we divide by two the value of each banknotes and so we get back to the same monetary mass. In relative the monetary mass does not move at all despite the apparent movement in quantitative counting.

Il y a donc ainsi toujours 3 couleurs de billets en jeu valant respectivement 1/2 DU, 1 DU, et 2 DU, qui « glissent » (ou « tournent ») à chaque tour, la couleur médiane étant alors celle des billets valant 1 DU de référence, unité en vigueur lors d’un tour.

Monetary values of cards are based on the reference UD in play and lower value cards equals 3 UD each. Medium value cards equals 6 UD and higher cards equals 12 UD.


So we will always have a average of money per player of 2 x (1/2 UD +1 UD + 2 UD) = 7 UD and so an average “buying power” of (2 value cards + 1 UD) / player.

It is possible to start by distributing only one color, but it is not interesting except to slow down the complete monetizing by 2 turns. The initial turn does not depict the progressive arrival of newcomers replacing the leavers, but the first turn measuring an already long running economy.


Whatever the number of “n + 1” colors we can choose (instead of 4 here, we can play with 10, 20, 100 colors or many more), with 1 pending color and “n” colors in play, we will have a number x of UD (counting by starting at the lower value) equals to: x UD = 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + 2n. This number will be stable between two turns with this rule of rolling, since the 1 will leave the game, the elements of this suit will be shifted to the left, and the pending color comes in play replacing the highest “2n” color. It is equivalent to multiply the quantitative value of the money by 2. Given that 2 ≈ (1 + 10 %)⁸ then we simulate 8 years at each turn, for a rate of monetary replacement of 10% / year. So with 10 turns x 8 years = 80 years, a human lifespan, 100 % of the people are renewed.